
  • Updated:June 21, 2011 12:12 am
  • Last visit:June 29, 2011 10:55 am
  • Member Since:June 19, 2011 8:14 am

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These days, there are a lot of pajamas in my wardrobe...
Atheist, coming out of the cross-closet little by little (the little-by-little being more in consideration of not wanting to provoke {former}church/family-wide prayer-saga's on my behalf...That much wasted energy hurts my soul!)
Libertarian-Leaning Progressive Liberal
a long story not very people-friendly... Add that to lessons learned about counting on a particular future and... it is what it is: complicated.
Um, no, I (now) have a cute niece and 3 nephews so my mom got her grandkids and that is about all the kid-stuff I need for now, so...
When people first meet me, they think I'm quiet. Once they get to know me, they realize I never shut up. I'm childfree by choice although that may change in the future. Or not - the debate still rages on. I work at home and live by my own rules. My ethics are solid, tho it may not appear so on first aquaintance. I'm a Libertarian-Leaning Progressive Liberal although my own life may appear conservative. I have a close-knit family, even when I wish it weren't so. I'll read just about anything I get my hot little hands on, even and especially when it raises questions to which I don't yet have an answer. I love to learn new things but have a tendency to devolve into a rut in the day-to-day. If you still have questions, feel free to ask but be aware the answer may be not to your liking.