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Updated:September 14, 2013 2:07 pm
Last visit:June 16, 2016 12:40 pm
Member Since:August 27, 2011 5:52 pm
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5' 8"
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Fashion Statement
A Dedicated Follower of Fashion. Derek Zoolander step aside.
Believe in Intelligent design but am more in the Imagine No Religion camp. Raised Fundamentalist, saw through the hypocrisy, judgemental morality, and craziness, tired of dogmatic people that think they are the only ones that KNOW the one true god....give me a break. God existed before Jesus ever arrived.
Turn off your mind relax and flow down stream...it is not Dying.
WASB - White Anglo Saxon Buddhist
Political Stance
As above so Below (I think I answered that above). Raised Republican until I got me there a Liberal education and wuz "brainwashed by liberal Jewish educators" and started working in the Social Service field. Yep, a Liberal/Progressive...tired of Wee-Pee Party nut jobs and the propaganda spewed by FUX News ..ya feel me?
Sexual Orientation
but could care less if someone is Gay or Not, we are all Gods children as far as I'm concerned. Very few people "choose" to be Gay. Who would want to be gay in this hate filled society. It is about love and relationship and why do others always want to focus on the sex part.
Relationship Status
Single. Relationships take so much energy and the last one I was in drained me. I got tired of trying to explain my self and my health, low-energy, etc. I think it is best that I focus on improving my health first. Ideally I would like 3 women...one to cook, one to dance and stuff with, and another to carry on an intelligent conversation with....yikes, I'm in trouble now!!!! run boy run
Two grown adult children in their 30's. Great children whom I adore.