
  • Updated:March 29, 2014 10:49 am
  • Last visit:February 16, 2015 6:24 pm
  • Member Since:August 25, 2012 3:35 pm
~ Somewhere between here and there, just down the street from a
rock and a hard place, turn left, and you're here.
~ Spending time with my friends, tinkering with my SUV, and
puttering around the house.
~ Butler to my cat, and other duties as he sees fit to assign.
~ Sometimes, you just have to say WTF?!, and go for it anyways.
~ My SUV

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Taller than my cat
More than a breadbox, less than a Volkswagon
Mostly blue, with some red from this side
Brown, with a bit of gray
~ Anything comfy, usually shorts and a T, but I clean up good. Or
so I've been told anyway.
~ Spiritual beliefs are very personal. My beliefs are my own, and
I consider myself a very tolerant person. I believe you can
learn something everyday, from anyone, and that in itself is one
of the greatest gifts life gives to us.
~ Human, but, for those with inquiring minds, I am white.
~ Politicians are nothing more than rich elitists, who think they
know what is best for the common man. Their perceptions are
seldom right, except for the benefit of themselves and their
~ The orientation class I went to confirmed I love the ladies.
~ I do, in fact, have relatives. Some I actually know, some I don't
know, and some nobody wants to know.
~ I do have 2 boys that survived the younger years, I survived
their teen years, and now, their girlfriends are on their own.
~ My wants and needs are few, I have nothing for sale, and I am
not looking to buy.