Marion White (Marion...

Marion White (MarionWhite)

Marion White (MarionWhite)
  • Updated:March 30, 2014 6:08 pm
  • Last visit:April 28, 2014 3:04 am
  • Member Since:March 30, 2014 10:09 am

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124 when healthy
was blonde but brown now
Used to dress well but now its sweats or tank tops with shorts
Confirmed Luthren but am Christian. Wondering where god is sometimes.
Never say anythng that is not nice about anyone or anything.
none any more
A daughter who is 31 and a son 29 and the most beautiful granddaughter that ever existed! Yeah, everyone says that but mine really is. And she is a mini me!
Personal Ad? What would I say in an ad about me? Well, I was thought that you could have anything in the world you wanted if you just worked hard enough you would succeed. My dad told me about the prince saving me from the dragon but I don't think he knew that the prince was the dragon!
I am still a pretty awesome women even though it all! And am trying to make the best out of my bad situation