ULfhednar (Valdr)

ULfhednar (Valdr)

ULfhednar (Valdr)
  • Updated:April 5, 2019 10:42 am
  • Last visit:October 2, 2019 11:38 am
  • Member Since:August 13, 2017 8:36 am
tel. 541-994-7477
July 24
Scuba diving, Sky diving, Cruising with Pip, parasailing, computers games, cave diving, snowmachining
Leo (Jul 23-Aug 22)
Retired 22.5yrs with the 75th Ranger Rgt 77-99
Rangers motto; "Sua Sponte!" (translation; Of Their own accord!)

Rangers Lead the Way! Kicker in the Ass!

2003 Yamaha V-Star XVS1100A Dragstar AIS removed, Boss Audio 600 watt radio, straight pipe exhaust, saddlebag mod, headlight mod(dragon skull holding HDlight in teeth) Snakeskin Hydro Dip, waiting on new carburetor needles, as well as finding the right person to do the airbrushing and finish up with the clear coatings. waiting for new rear tire with the max width that can fit ( Thanks again Tim)!! It in the process of a major changes so I'll update soon with pic's!
The Bezarks, (Berserkers of the wolf shirt) ULfhednar. Leader of the wolf sarks (meaning Wolf Shirts) ULfhedinn. The beings of the current beliefs of the Werewolf legends came from my ancestors The Norsemen that had gone a-viking and the ppl's that we raided or made war on but failed to withstand us in battle

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5' 11
Bald head - white beard
(WARNING) You DO NOT want to talk to me about politics, drunks or Religion!! You Will be offended!!
Is to me an excuse for the enslavement through indoctrination of the child at infantsee, ensuring there is no freedom of choice or even understanding the what why where and how. many unquestioning believers to support the church and its doctrine that is self servicing. Lastly if this god is all powerful so on and so forth. Who would have the audacity to rewrite his commandments?? Non Other than a lowly human but then you edited his word to huh. And lastly all the heinous crimes the indoctrinated, weak willed, have carried out throughout the history in the name of religion! Just because some asshat in a stupid outfit with a book (and a million or so skeletons in his confesiunile) running around yeowling, "GOD WILLS IT!" cuz he wants some more little altar boys, or more wives, or See get me started!
My family ancestry has been traced back 800ad to Rollo the Walker. Also known as Rollo the Viking. He is my 57th times great grandfather.
ULfhednar born. ULfhedinn are berserker warriors, that are believed to be the starting point of the Werewolf legends connected to the Berserkers and the transformations the 2 types of berserkers Bear and Wolf sarks (sark mean shirt ruffly) went through at the onset of and during battle.
All political offices should be like (jury duty) your name comes up and you pass background, Tag you're it!! Offices can only be held by americans that work real jobs not independently wealthy or born into wealth. Why? because the wealthy that are born to it have NO idea what it takes nor do they even work real work, don't cook, have shofers maids, butlers, cooks. These ppl 99.999 % of them have the rich bitch attitude as we all have experienced.
What's that?? Sex I mean, It was april 24th 1994, wife had our youngest and was found to have fibroid tumors, after cut them out her vagina canael was 1.4 inchs deep. And she was slammed into menopause at 36. Sex went with the tumors. Yea. And milf thumb and her 4 sisters petered out around the time the mental images and like hazed, of the female form (to include feel, sent, taste you get the point).
veteran, ptsd tbi I'm ALONE! enough said!
4 kids 38, 30, 25, 24


David Eddings
In Harms way, Battleship, The Longest Day, All westerns with Kirk D. & or the Duke
Game of Thrones, Grimm, Operation repo, Combat, MASH
The DUKE (of course), Liam Neeson, John Hurt, Kirk Douglas, Dean Martin, Sean Connery, Jackie Chan
Heavy Metal, Acid Rock, Country, Danger Music, Oldies Rock, Saint Hildegard von Bingen’s Medieval Compositions
Scuba, Tractor pull, Demolition derby, Stock car racing, Long Motorcycle rides
Anywhere I've never been
Alaskan King Crab, hamburgers, Gram crackers and choc, bars, Tater tot casserole , Yaki mon do