GoatBeard (OuchPotato)
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GoatBeard (OuchPotato)
Updated:August 26, 2018 11:36 pm
Last visit:February 15, 2021 7:49 pm
Member Since:June 18, 2018 1:35 pm
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Fashion Statement
For The Other Chatroom people ONLY: I play a music stream during trivia nights that Spice or I host (usually has to do with the theme of the trivia). The link for this music stream can be found here:
If it isn't working, yell at me in chat. Chances are, my software isn't communicating with the ShoutCast server, so try refreshing your browser a few times.
Fashion Statement:
I wear all black, not because I'm paying my respects to humanities inevitable and violent demise due to its own hubris, but because I'm a lazy bastard who can only be bothered to do one load of laundry once a week. I keep things simple.
Whenever I'm in a state of peril, I do what our ancestors did; I make up a God and pray to it.
Political Stance
Grab you clubs ladies and gentlemen, because we're off to beat this dead horse once again!
Sexual Orientation
Sexually, I identify as an attack helicopter.
Relationship Status
Fuck you
I only like the crunchy ones.
Personal Ad
I'm your friendly neighborhood cynic and optimistic nihilist. My inability to take anything seriously stems from my acceptance of impermanence and the inevitable death and destruction of everything in this world, and indeed, the entire universe. While this is depressing to weaker individuals, I find this outlook quite liberating because I can take comfort in the fact that everyone I hate is living a futile existence.
If you have been paying attention thus far, it should not come as a surprise that I am quite sardonic as well as honest. So if I call you a "King/Queen of the bile pit," don't take it personally.