
  • Updated:September 12, 2020 3:16 pm
  • Last visit:October 2, 2020 2:33 pm
  • Member Since:September 11, 2020 9:31 pm
Virgin Island
To those seeking authentic teachings for personal transformation, welcome.Breathing Deeply
Meditation Program.I value kindness, transparency, respect, and dignity. You are, as they say in yoga, a householder and the demands of everyday life are part of your reality. Lawness Calm is the approach to teaching and methods, allowing others to discover the meditative you believe in the importance of meditation, but there are times when you struggle to prioritize your practice. You wish there was a more direct approach presented by an accessible, open-minded teacher who, rather than leaning into the mysterious air of the esoteric, offered clear teachings process deeply and efficiently. Its all do it on your own Lawness Calm of time and place. Inhale and Exhale with deep capable mind demands of free of everything.
Lawness Calm. My own personal teacher and to those who wished to be accompanied.
Simplify, An Informed, Straightforward Approach to the Sublime of daily accomplishment.
Coattails. Usually I sew mine own...if you have rider's luck you're welcome to ride the waves unless it wishes were horses.
Like Twice is tempress, three times a charm. Hobby and active reader, athlete and coach.

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5' 9"
Wonder Woman is personally loved, being one takes gears and reflexes.
I wish you well in godly ways.
Obstacles and Distractions, conquering both its Goal+Destination is prevail makes it Goalstination.
Catch on Fire and people will come for miles to see you burn.
Doesn't wish to burn bra it will take the fire department four days to put it out...knows what size and how to snap one on.
Not married
I really love children. Loves families, Loves friends with their families. I guess I just want to have a family...its what I could hold as my very own.
Making Promises and Keeping them. Facts are Irreverent.