max (maxisemo)

max (maxisemo)

max (maxisemo)
  • Updated:June 15, 2024 4:17 pm
  • Last visit:Yesterday at 7:30 pm
  • Member Since:June 13, 2024 12:25 am
Long island NY, just off lookout point in the woods on the beach of long island sound... A beautiful place, really.
February 19
I play various video games and I'm taking coding as a major after the summer. I recently found out that I got salutorian!
Pisces (Feb 19-Mar 20)
I help my folks with their billing, WiFi network server, and sometime my neighborhood too.
"Better to dissappoint your parents for a few years than to disappoint yourself for the rest of your life" -jimmy o'yang
A black moped that buzzes like a bee! Its cute

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