Ray Kutzweil, Ray Bradbury, and you guys posting Fan Fiction.
Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, Neromancer, Terminator novels, Clockwork Orange.
Keyframe, Lightwavin', PocketPC, Portable computing. Maxin, Playboy, Penthouse.
Nope. Only check my horror scope!
Uhmmm, Dilbert.
Terminator1, Matrix, Aliens, Alien, PreditorsI&II, Clockwork Orange, just about anything Sci-Fi.
Dark Angel, Farscape, Buffy, Angel(I'll miss the big lug!), That 70's Show, Titus,
Jessica Alba (duh), Jennifer Conneley, Micheal Beihn, Adam Sadler, Lance Henrikson, William H. Macy, Kevin Spacey.
Alternative complaint rock. Techno-gothic trance.
Nirvana! STP, Creed, Dido, Nina Gordon.
Yankees, Mets, Hitman XFL!
LA! I Love LA!
If god didn't want us slaughter pigs, he wouldn't have made Bacon so damn tasty!