
  • Updated:March 21, 2024 8:12 pm
  • Last visit:January 22, 2025 11:52 pm
  • Member Since:July 7, 2003 7:53 am
England, West Country
I'm just naturally curious about pretty much everything, I am in awe of nature and how things have come to be as they are. I like keeping fit, I ride my bike a lot and like swimming. I like being with people but just as happy to be on my own, reading books. I love my family and I think I have the best ever sister on the planet.
Taurus (Apr 20-May 20)
Degree in Biochemistry, I worked in research then did a postgrad in farm management and now run the family farm which is pretty big.
"does it matter that much?"


"never deal in absolutes"
A 1957 Land Rover for getting to the outer reaches of our farm. Now got a Tesla M3 - awesome !

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about right
about right
blonde - totally natural!
I am no prisoner of fashion so am happy to just wear jeans and a t shirt just as much as I like dressing up when I feel like it.
Planet Earth faith.
Seems a bit pointless for humans to be arguing between religions, which are by far the biggest reason why people have been killing each other over the centuries.
Earth person. Same as religion, really. Not that I am religious but I believe our spirits exist elsewhere when our bodies are discarded.

"We share the same biology
Regardless of ideology"

(Written by singer Sting)
Politics and religion are the same. Yes, we need law and order and guide people to what is good but when it's taken to the point that people are forbidden to move freely, to act in a natural and inoffensive way and to do things to enrich themselves and others around them, then I consign politics and religion to the junkbox. Too easy for politics and religion to be used as tools for mind control. And they have been, over the centuries.
And look at us now...
Last time I checked nothing had changed, it seems.
I'm a good aunt apparently.
Just passing by.


Wilbur Smith - amazing writer
For my fish n chips yes
Anything that shows real talent
Cycling, Swimming, Tennis - kind of, Table tennis haha
Egg Pasta, Tomatoes, Coriander pesto, Steamed fish