
  • Updated:April 27, 2012 11:08 am
  • Last visit:February 28, 2015 10:30 am
  • Member Since:January 27, 2004 7:16 am
Liverpool uk
March 17
I like to write and paint...mostly childrens books and i paint Land and Seascapes.
I like all music Motown to Motzart.Meatloaf to Rap. so i listen to basically anything that aint crap....cept country n western, i'm not big on how someones dog died.
Pisces (Feb 19-Mar 20)
Who am I?... that I DARED to DREAM.
Who am I that i DARED to Believe.
Who am I that Threatend the Olde Gods.
I am He that was Born amongst the stars, I am He who has faced the Whirlwind
and brought it Assunder.

Destiny is what happens when we stop trying. So don't give Destiny a chance... Never give up on what you want, it's out there for you if you are prepared to search for it. No one famous... JUST ME
For I am an OLDE SOUL.
One with knowledge and BELIEF.


5 10 and a tad
22O lbs
brown n grey
Fashion?...fusion...anything comfy...although i do like to dress up in a crisp new suit...wingtipped collar and a Dickie Bow...sounds like an ole time gangster.
I what i'm not sure...ut he's MY GOD
Kinda pink...brown after being in the sun
Two Lovely grown up girls... one of whom has given me three GORGEOUS grandchildren
I'm just me.....take it don't...but thats all you get...Me

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