
  • Updated:December 16, 2022 7:28 pm
  • Last visit:January 29, 2025 6:43 pm
  • Member Since:September 17, 1999 10:08 pm
Beeville, Texas
Maintenance HVAC craftsman at maximum security prison
"If they don't understand the severity of the problem, they won't understand the severity of the solution. Overpopulation must be dealt with."

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5' 10"
brown but no glasses since Lasik
mostly gray and ever sparser on top and the beard is gone also
I prefer shorts or slacks with polo-shirt but work dictates otherwise
atheist and vocal about it
native Texan caucasian
environmentalist wacko
long-divorced and reverted to bachelor habits until girlfriend from 27 years ago returned to live with me over 10 years ago
No thanks, don't believe in 'em
My primary Delphi forums have the webtags: OVERPOPULATION, SelfDefense and PMFD


Non-fiction environmental, Thrillers, science fiction
Soft-rock, 60s - 70s rock, some country
In younger days it was frisbee, racquetball, and golf
Travelled enough already
Buffets, PB&J, Pizza

Guest Book


  • Show profile for markrob7484
    Report Violationmarkrob7484|July 5, 2022 6:21 am

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  • Show profile for EdGlaze
    Report ViolationEdGlaze|February 15, 2016 8:34 pm
    Sorry I didn't see your message about book but I seldom check my guest book messages. I hope the book got published. I have done some copy editing of manuscripts before and if it is still in the works I will be glad to look at it. You can contact me at edglaze3@gmail.com
  • Show profile for Graham Stull (grahamstull)

    Hi Ed,

    I'm a novelist writing a book about overpopulation. I'd love for you to read it, as I just think it would be right up your street. If you give me your email I can put you on my launch list (book's due out to coincide with World Earth Day)

