
  • Updated:May 3, 2009 5:34 pm
  • Last visit:April 21, 2010 8:44 pm
  • Member Since:July 31, 2005 4:51 pm
Down da road, take a left...Oh location... not Directions!..Lousiana yall
December 21
Interests.... Horses, Rodeo,Kids, dogs,hunting,( some fishing) ~ woodworking ( I want to live in a timberframe someday). Gardening...but not doing to well here in the south!
Multi faceted interests. Know a bit about a lot...just enough ta get me in trouble! LOL
Sagittarius (Nov 22-Dec 21)
Am in Financial services yep with the smart gurl glasses & everything
Somebody once had an idea....then made it a reality.
Don't be afraid to follow your dreams, you should be afraid to not follow them.~Vj

I write for the same reason I breathe~because if I didn't, I would die.~ Issac Asimov

If we ever forget that we are One Nation under GOD then we will be a nation gone under.> Ronald Reagan

If you died today do you know where you are going....heaven or hell?
God gave ya an option through Jesus Christ,to choose.

A closed heart can only be opened from the inside.
....I stand at the door and knock.If anyone hears my voice and opens the door,I will come in...Revelation 3:20

The ways of the Lord are right: the righteous walk in them,but the rebellious stumble in them. Hosea 14:9

The true test of character is not HOW much we know how to Do,but how we behave when we don't know what to do. John Holt

The essence of life is the conviction that we are loved-for ourselves.

Let us have faith that right makes might,and in that faith let us to the end dare to do our duty as we understand it. (Abraham Lincoln)

Purity of soul cannot be lost without consent. ( St Augustine)

By perseverence the snail reached the ark.:)

Start some kind words on their travels-who knows where the good it will do may stop?
2007 Sonata... I love it!**
Hummmmm... Role playing(?), nawwww. I like being me,myself and who's that other person...Oh yeah... "I"

Profile Ads


wait... naww I am NOT a patient person...LOL
Irish redhead
professional wear
mixed breed...French/Irish.
up right at the election booth-dead ppl don't get a vote
STRAIGHT as an arrow TY!
yes ,Why? You want more??? I have dogs ~do they count?
Not an ad.. To ignore the facts,doesnt change the facts.


Max Lucado, Patsy Clairmont
any by these & other Christian Authors
I enjoy a variety of interests.From Biology,animal husbandry,woodworking,hunting /fishing,horses,muscle cars..yeah Im a "different" female grew up with an older brothermtaught me alot of stuff.and the other stuff...I picked up onmy own....the list goes on & on!
Shreveport Times
Shoooot yall the chat is enough comedy fer me!
8seconds,Man From Snowy River,Horses & Cowboys ya just cant go wrong!
WALKER TX da bomb though!
Chuck Norris, Sam Elliot, Tom Selleck, Kurt Russell ...older is not bad.... experience speaks fathoms!
I love pretty much all genres' of music....from the relaxation of classial,to the soul reaching power of jazz & blues...gotta love the sax. OHH yeahhh ,and the movement of the ole' time Rock & Roll...about the only tunes I cant get into is heavy metal & rapp...sorry yall sorry a country gurl at heart and them sounds..welp..they sound like the farm machinery having a bd day & the farmer screaming! LOL
Alot of em...I sing many types,so is hard to name em all. They play it...I sing it.
Kentucky Derby is the ultimate! I don't bet just love ta see da horse flesh! Any equine or canine sport. I like funny & Rail racecar but kind of out of the loop as the new up & coming drivers.Not into ball sports....sorry unless its POLO....:)
am not a real sports team nut but do cheer on OSU & LSU..what can I say?
Humm... lately...I have thought about TX and the West Coast. I have an adopted Mom in Washington State I want to to go see
seafood but about anything as long as its not anchovies, OR dog,cat or horse. Get real them are pets,not eats!